What is Fiber & its Function?
FIBER Basically fiber is associated with digestive health and bodily functions. But, the reality is consuming a high fiber in dietary, fiber can do so much more than keep you regular. It can lower risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, help skin, help in losing weight and even help prevent colon cancer. Since, fiber is the plant-based, examples are; grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans that the body can’t break down. It passes through the body undigested. Keep digestive system clean and healthy, make easing bowel movements, and flushing the extra cholesterol and harmful carcinogens out of the body. THERE ARE TWO MAIN TYPES OF FIBER INSOLUBLE AND SOLUBLE. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. It is the fiber that helps to prevent constipation. Found in whole grains, wheat bran, brown rice, wheat cereals, and vegetables such as carrots, celery, and tomatoes. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and helps control blood sugar levels and ...